Wednesday, May 16

Worst Person in the World

'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' for May 15
transcript to the Tuesday show:

"But the winner tonight, radio advice host Laura Schlessinger, formerly Dr. Laura, speaking to Army families at Fort Douglas. She said military wives who are stressed out and unhappy about the prospects of their husbands, you know, getting killed in Iraq need to take a new approach. Quote, he could come back without arms, legs or eyeballs and you‘re wining? You are not dodging bullets, so I don‘t want to hear any whining? That is my message to them.

So first we find out you are not a relationship doctor, just a physiologist. And now we find out you are not even a human being? Laura Schlessinger, today‘s Worst Person in the World."

Dr. Laura to G.I. wives: No whining

At Fort Douglas, radio host says 'warriors need warrior wives'
By Matthew D. LaPlante
The Salt Lake Tribune 5/14/2007

1. "He could come back without arms, legs or eyeballs, and you're bitching?"
2. "You're not dodging bullets, so I don't want to hear any whining - that's my message to them."
Schlessinger boasted that she once talked a young woman out of marrying a soldier, noting that "warriors need warrior wives" and that she felt the girl was unprepared.
3. "You don't want to not have gone and find out your wife has to wear a burka."
4. declined to say how she felt about women who leave their families to serve at war.
"I'm going to leave that alone," she said.
5. Schlessinger advocated two years of obligatory military training for all Americans, suggesting that such a program could have limited the bloodshed at Virginia Tech last month when a gunman killed 32 people.
She said she was not advocating a draft, however, saying that only people who want to go to combat should actually go.
6. "People listen to me," she said. "I'm trusted and respected."

Laura Schlessinger writes in her blog May 14, 2007

1. "he (LaPlante) chose a comment, one that I’ve made before many times on the air"
2. "out of context comment"
3. "I know that when I get upset about things in my life, I think about my son and what he is facing that he can’t walk away from, then I have a cup of coffee and go for a relaxing sail."

Her blog did not say she was misquoted. Unaware of the world outside, she talks this way to her choir. It is both offensive and sad.

April 1, 2007 in the Santa Barbara News-Press

Schlessinger quotes:

"It is my opinion that she betrayed her comrades and her country and should be subject to a court martial."

"Ms Turney, as well as the media which coddles the female with child, have curdled respect for women in the military."

Laura Schlessinger writes about military families, women with children.
Her attitude was terse, for the female sailor.

Faye Turney, mother of three

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