(4.2) Is she really a doctor?
DL received her Ph.D. in physiology from Columbia University in 1974.
Her dissertation shows her area of research was insulin receptors in
rat cells. ("Effects of insulin on 3-0-methylglucose transport in
isolated rat adipocytes.")
(4.3) So what's a physiologist?

The On-Line Medical Dictionary
physiology; a student of the properties and functions of animal and
vegetable organs and tissues." It has nothing to do with gym class
(except for, perhaps, any physiologists working in the field of sports
(4.4) I thought she was a psychiatrist/psychologist/
Nope. Physiology is a biological science, not a behavioral science. DL
does have a Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling license (MFCC.) She
describes it as 'Post-Doctoral', yet it is only 'post' in that she got
it after she'd earned her Ph.D. Technically, postdoctoral education is
assumed to be at the doctoral level or higher, and the MFCC is not.
Furthermore, the MFCC is not a continuing or related course for
physiology. Thus, DL's describing it as 'Post-Doctoral' gives a faulty
impression. MFCC's can be earned at the Master's level. Read a more
detailed explanation from TJ, an artd-l poster and lawyer who has
looked into this issue, at

[for years she's falsely called herself a variety of exalted professional terms like psychologist, as the promo for the May 2007 CAMIE awards' Advisory Board shows and many years of similar tricks. The MFCC has been inactive for decades and she's used it for further buffoonery. There is no evidence to date to back up her claims of a practice. She briefly taught physiology?

The more reliable, Bill Ballance noted he "taught her everything she knows" regarding radio. That was during their 2.5 year seething and torrid affair]
(4.5) Well, if she's really a Ph.D., what's wrong with her calling
herself 'Dr.' Laura?

It is misleading and not very ethical to use a degree in one field to
imply authority in a completely unrelated field. As a self-proclaimed
'prophet' 'on a mission' one would think she'd be scrupulous about
taking the moral and ethical high ground herself. Since she proudly
describes herself as 'my kid's mom' perhaps she could find in that
role a more appropriate (and relevant) title for her show.
An article in the December 30, 1997 Washington Post reported the
results of a survey conducted by the Benchmark Co., which found that
"...75 percent of Schlessinger's listeners think she is a
psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist. She is nothing of the sort.
The "Dr." label comes courtesy of her degree in physiology, ... Only 3
percent of those surveyed knew the truth." ('Cable's Cavalcade Of
Sound 30 Channels of Music, Minus the Personality' by Marc Fisher.
During this time of tribulation for Schlessinger perhaps she will reflect on the example she has set over a 30 year career and sincerely repent. The deceptive use of title is a reasonable place to begin. Since the revelations about Deryk Schlessinger, she has only stepped away from one of her jobs, due to the odd child porn and molestation coincidence?
Без рубрики. "Should Ph.D.’s be Referred to as 'Doctor' By V. Berba Velasco In recent years, I’ve frequently heard people claim that individuals who hold PhDs are not 'real' doctors."During this time of tribulation for Schlessinger perhaps she will reflect on the example she has set over a 30 year career and sincerely repent. The deceptive use of title is a reasonable place to begin. Since the revelations about Deryk Schlessinger, she has only stepped away from one of her jobs, due to the odd child porn and molestation coincidence?
6/5/07: funny post to follow this one.. and they don't moderate comments?
6/6/07 Another one of these: "Should Ph.D.’s be Referred to as 'Doctor' By V. Berba Velasco.." .. Some machine must be putting them out. I'll leave the same comment and see if the machine moderates.. :)
.........................missed one!
6/18/07 Georgiana Nolter repeating the same B.S..... "Should Ph.D.’s be Referred to as 'Doctor'..By V. Berba Velasco In recent years, I’ve frequently heard people claim that individuals who hold PhDs are not “real” doctors........"
6/18/07 "happy fun fun" repeat, repeat, repeat..... "Should Ph.D.’s be Referred to as 'Doctor'..By V. Berba Velasco In recent years, I’ve frequently heard people claim that individuals who hold PhDs are not “real” doctors........"
7/18/07 "the margarethe finane" Just another Oisexy.com weblog
repeat, repeat, repeat..... "Should Ph.D.’s be Referred to as 'Doctor'..By V. Berba Velasco In recent years, I’ve frequently heard people claim that individuals who hold PhDs are not “real” doctors........"
8/1/07 woof poof freeman Just another Britblawg.com weblog
repeat, repeat, repeat..... "Should Ph.D.’s be Referred to as 'Doctor'..By V. Berba Velasco In recent years, I’ve frequently heard people claim that individuals who hold PhDs are not “real” doctors........"
[ COMMENT: “Should Ph.D.’s be Referred to as “Doctor””
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I knew a Doctor of Pharmacology (and many more credentials). He would not use the title of doctor because it was not done with the quality of professionals he associated with.
I’m ok with Dr. Pepper, Dr. John and those that aren’t pretending falsehoods or doing smoke and mirrors. The ones on tv & radio are worth questioning. I’m sick of seeing psychologist after the ones we know are fake. That is getting into FRAUDULENT. Click the link to see one that has years of examples of this.
There are different situations. If you act as a professional doctor, but your PhD is in literature you need to get your act together. If you’re in a circus, Dr. Clown could be funny. Many media professionals do things for show or to boost low self esteem, they need to have ethics or they are sham. LOW MORALS ARE LOW MORALS.
MORE 1/10/08: Cr@p Arse physiologist Laura Schlessinger makes Dr. Phil look like a good doc.
The poor confused public that feeds these beasts. Masochists, you can stand up and stop the abuse. You're being lied to. You support these multi millionaire charlatans. You children suffer, just look at "family values" Deryk Schlessinger.
Update: 12-8-08 "I'm a [NOT] licensed psychotheraphist (MFT)"
Update: 1-12-09 sleazy as ever... SOSO: same old, same old
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