Thursday, May 3

The hilarity of Laura

In full disclosure I didn't read Laura Schlessinger's Santa Barbara News-Press today. Everyone one at the News-Press is in crime fighting mode since the paper was attacked by 15,000 local, state and federal illegal child porn images. No one cares for children like Laura does it. Certainly she will spew forth her vast wisdoms on the current crimes at the News-Press. More so, on her greatest concern, children. To think she took time away from her causes to do a drive downtown and notice what's going on! (It's maybe 5 minutes from her estate. How long has she lived here?)

The following comment from Blogabarbara was a hilarious take on a tragically clueless carpetbagger.

" Anonymous said...

But WAIT !!! While all this was going on, ace-local-columnist Dr. Laura was out scooping everyone...

DL, according to her column today, actually DROVE the LENGTH of STATE STREET (really mixing with the people!) and she discovered something no one else has noticed: there are EMPTY storefronts, lots of them!!! And then she shrewdly concluded that the empty store fronts must have something to do with the economy (we are lucky to have someone writing who can connect the dots instead of that silly old Biased Barney guy.) So then DL did some real investigative work and asked around "as to what is going on" "(good idea, DL!) and she was told that the "leasing entity" (apparently all storefronts on State Street are owned by the "leasing entity" - a fact we had been ignorant of previously) was raising the rents too high for our little mom and pop stores to afford!!! Ye Gads and little fishes: who knew???

The result is that local stores might soon be replaced by "chains and such"... you know, things like Starbucks, or Pier One, or World Marketplace or Barnes and Noble, or Borders, or such like... stores that would spoil the current "quaintness" of downtown. And DL then warns us that exactly such a trend just ruined Lake Arrowhead! She then concludes that the City Council should start to think about this disturbing trend.

Isn't it great to have such an insightful city watchdog-journalist at work in our community. Too bad about Lake Arrowhead, though."

Schlessinger is the same politico, disguised as a radio moralist, who wants to rework the draft and put guns in schools. Is there anything she can't fix in 30 seconds?

sister spit

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