Thursday, October 12

FAKE "dr" laura

Concerned parents want to know about on-line predators of underaged children, but NOT the pretentious FAKE "dr" laura. People who care for children want to know students and children are safe. Today that includes the internet and what is going on in Congress. We checked to see her current spin. SHE SAYS THIS: "Reading and Righting. Dr. Laura reads numerous publications each day in preparation for her radio broadcast and her books. A few are: U.S. News and World Report; New York Times; Wall Street Journal; Time Magazine; National Geographic and the articles below. Keep informed with Dr. Laura. (These articles will change daily.)" LOOKING AT HER LIST ONE "BLAME DEMOCRAT" (NOT RELEVANT) ARTICLE WAS RECOMMENDED ON THIS CONCERN. DEMONSTRATING SHE IS ABOUT POLITICS NOT CHILDREN. HER PHONY "TEARS" WHEN SHE SPOKE OF CHILDREN ON LARRY KING LOOK EVEN MORE SHALLOW. I know she lies about most everything but who doesn't care for children? Pedofiles and their supporters and people just too narcissistic. I'm more convinced that her "tears" are part of her acting performance. She reaches back to her childhood obsession, poor, pitiful Laura Catherine, and the tears appear on cue. SHAME ON HER SPURIOUS NATURE FOR NEGLECTING TODAYS CHILDREN. LAURA CATHERINE YOU ARE A DISGRACE.

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